Thursday, March 25, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Beano's Dr. Visit

I had to take Bean to the Vet today for Xrays. On Saturday I noticed that a fishing fly had fallen behind my desk and I made the mistake of leaving it there. Of course Bean found it and when I saw it again there wasnt much left, including the hook. She started acting a bit sick this morning, so I took her in for Xrays. No hook inside. So the hook is still missing...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Bean and Ses
I've been having to enforce more selfrestraint with Bean, otherwise she gets out of control. Today she tried her best to hold in her excitement, but seeing Mikey and Ses for the first time is such a long time (a few hours) was too much. She laid down but almost exploded, and her only release was to do some unsolicited roll overs. She only did two but they were very precise and were enough to safetly drain her energy.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Raw Sunflower Sushi
that he made. These take some effort to make but are awesome. They are
trying to replicate spicy tuna rolls and do a decent job. Ingredients:
raw soaked sunflower seeds, celery, onion, bell pepper, cucumber,
jalepeno, dill, Lemmon juice, sea salt black, black pepper and olive
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Smithsonian exhibit
was a free showing this weekend so I stopped by. There were some nice
displays and some interactive instruments.
A Big Day for Bean
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
What my dog is capable of
pile of sand for the past several days and I figgured it was because
of rodents. Yesterday evening she finally for one and broke it's back
legs. This morning I found it in the same place. Careful. Your dog
could do this too.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
against it due to the many things I need to get done at home. We got
some spotty showers starting late in the morning so I decided to go
ahead and start some kraut. It took a total of about 15 minutes.
Garden plot planting
I planted seeds in my garden plot this morning; Mammoth Dill, broccoli Di Cicco, Detroit Dark Red Beets, Monnapa Spinach (and a few seeds of a slow bolting variety), Cherry Belle Radishes, Ruby Swiss Chard, French Breakfast Raddish, White stem Bok Choy, Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard, Dwarf Blu Curled Kale, Mesculun and Baby Oakleaf lettuce.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Garden plot after
the materials and tools on hand which made it easy. I will be planting
some lettuces and other greens in the morning.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Loading up
stuff from my old place. Glad to be done moving for now.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
the garden who had her dog there so we took LuLu and Bean down on the
river to play. We met a 12 year old lab that taught our dogs to swim.
A great drain of energy for young pups. Oh and I scored some nice